Monday, April 6, 2015

Surrendering the Car

Just when I thought that I was "safe," it happened. The car. The old, "broken-down" car, as my two-year-old calls it. The one with the taped-shut window and the missing handle on the driver's door. The one that I use to run errands. The one that I rely on to help my babies take their naps. The one that brings me a touch of sanity in the midst of the daily grind by taking me out for a spell. The one that I was holding, holding, holding on to. 

I admit it. I cried. 

And I felt the old snake-clutch of frustration well up in the clenched jaw of my heart and the fist of my silent Why

Why this, too? 

Why this, now?

Why--after You allowed it to last through the coldest months of winter?

Why now--when I "needed" it for just a few more months . . . 

Why, why, why . . . 

Don't You know that my husband and I don't have the money to buy another vehicle right now?

Don't You know that I need this car--for convenience, for sanity, for good, honest reasons?

Don't you know that I just can't do without it?

Yes I can. 

And it was the last material and spiritual surrender at the end of a long list of others that I've faced over the past few months. . . it seems silly--a car. But I was holding on to that car--to that old, broken-down car. Confident that I needed it. Certain that the Lord would just allow it to last until my mom sold her house and we relocated. 

I just needed that car.

And yet, I didn't. 

So after my tears, and my frustration, and my feeble attempts to carve a solution that would fit, that would fix my "problem," I hoisted the white flag of surrender. 

The car is Yours, Lord. 

The car is Yours to give or to take away. You know what I need. You give what is good. I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor His children begging bread.

I give you this car; I surrender. 

And I find now, my needs wonderfully met in Him.

Is it difficult? Yes. Is it a challenge to be without transportation during the week? Yes. 

But He turns my hill of difficulty into a channel for His grace  . . . and as a showcase for His sufficiency through the difficult. 

He places us in situations where we think that we will surely suffocate, where we are certain that life will not be able to grow. 

And those are the places where we ultimately grow the most and where life is poured into the death of our doubt through the veins of surrender. 

I surrendered the car to Him.

Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19

Just a little while before the "old broken-down car" sputtered her last, a childhood friend got in touch with me after years of losing touch with one another. 

To my great surprise, she lives within walking distance from my mom's house, where I live with my family. 

My friend is a believer who loves the Lord; she asked me if we could pray together regularly. 

She lives within walking distance. 

Only the Lord could place my friend within walking distance of my house when He knew that I wouldn't have transportation to drive . . . 

This past week, we had a blessed time of prayer and of reading the Scriptures together--without the aid of my "old, broken-down car."

The Lord makes roses bloom in the desert . . .

This gift of times of prayer with my friend are His roses of joy and rivers of refreshment to me in a dry and barren place. 

I thought that no good could come of me not having a car during the week. . . 

But He continually shows me that HE is my Good, my exceeding great Reward.

And I don't need the car.

Whenever we surrender, we grow. And whenever we refuse to surrender to Him, we choke out true life . . .

We stamp out the roses that He is willing to cultivate in our deserts.

We dry up the streams of His grace that would run and refresh us.

When we surrender, we grow.

And when we don't something in us dies, a little piece of life . . .

I surrendered the car.

Placed it in His hands . . . and knew His all-sufficient grace.  

You might find me on these link-ups:

Strangers and Pilgrims on EarthThe Modest MomWhat Joy is Mine, Yes They Are All Ours, Missional Call, A Mama's Story, Mom's the Word, Rich Faith Rising, Time Warp Wife, Cornerstone Confessions, Mom's Morning Coffee, So Much at Home, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every SeasonA Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries, Whole-Hearted Home, A Soft Gentle Voice, My Daily Walk in His Grace, Messy Marriage, My Teacher's Name is Mama, The Charm of Home, Graced Simplicity, Children Are A Blessing, Mittenstate Sheep and Wool, Imparting Grace, Preparedness Mama, A Look at the Book, Essential Thing Devotions, Count My Blessings, Beauty Observed, Christian Mommy Blogger, Renewed Daily, Soul SurvivalGood Morning MondaysThe HomeAcre HopMommy Moments Link UpGrace and Truth LinkupFaith Filled FridaySaturday Soiree Blog PartyTell It To Me TuesdaysSHINE Blog HopMotivate and Rejuvenate Monday Link-UpA Little R&R WednesdaysTGI Saturdays Blog Hop


  1. I needed this right in this moment, Rebekah. You have encouraged me on a hard day.

  2. What a wonderful post! Oh, how I can relate to much of what you said! God is teaching me so many things about trust...and waiting upon Him and His means of deliverance and His escape routes and His provisions. We think we know what we need, and many times, what we define as a "need" really isn't a need at all. I love how God orchestrated your friend being in touch with you and living so close by. God is SO faithful! P.S. I got your book in the mail and cannot wait to start reading it! :)

    1. Cheryl, thank you so much for your encouragement! This was a difficult one for me and I really struggled with it, but in the end, when I surrendered to the Lord, I truly did know His faithfulness. You are so right; He truly knows what we need . . . and His ways always draw us nearer to Him.

      I hope that you enjoy the devotional! :-)

      The Lord bless you, Cheryl.

  3. VERY nice post!! Wow, how many times we have to give Him the __________ too. He wants everything... and that is so hard. We KNOW it is the best thing to do, but we sure do fuss about actually doing it. I am so glad you are seeing his blessing in it. He is faithful and knows what is best... even when we can't see the end. :)

    1. Joy, yes! In the moment it is so hard to surrender, but there is such peace and joy when we do . . . He knows the end and "His purposes are ripening fast, unfolding every hour; the bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower" (William Cowper).

      God bless you!

  4. Oh this is such an amazing post! God always leads me right to where He wants me to be - and its always where I need to be. I needed this.Thank you. My favorite "But He turns my hill of difficulty into a channel for His grace . . . and as a showcase for His sufficiency through the difficult."
    God bless!

    1. Letetia, I'm so glad that it was an encouragement! This was such a difficult struggle for me, but truly, the Lord is turning it into an opportunity to display His sufficiency to me and I praise Him for that. The Lord bless you!

  5. Thank you for sharing this with us at Good Morning Mondays. Sometimes it is so hard to let go of the things we think we "need" but God knows our needs and sometimes He takes away things so that we rely only on Him, this is a position I really relate to. Thank you for being so open and honest with us and for encouraging us to let go and let God take over in our lives. You are such a blessing. Have a great week.

    1. Terri, thank you so much for your encouragement--your words are so, so true--that sometimes He takes things away so that we rely only on Him. And that is the place where we know His power and all-sufficiency through our weakness.

      The Lord bless you, Terri!

  6. Beautiful story of surrender. Who would have thought that one broken down car could teach you so much? Blessed to be visiting you from Messy Marriage.

    1. Yes; I know, Mary! It was something that I was "dreading" having to "give up," but now I see His purpose through it--to draw me nearer to Himself--and I am so grateful for that!

      God bless you, Mary!

  7. Rebekah, this was simply beautiful. You truly conveyed your surrender in words. Thank you for sharing your difficult struggle and how God grew roses in your desert. Be blessed! - Kia

    1. You're welcome, Kia! It is "funny," but after the surrender, which seems so difficult and impossible at the time, comes such a peace--and we realize (ultimately) that we wouldn't really want it any other way . . . I am glad the He is patient with us (me!).. .

      The Lord bless you, Kia!

  8. This was so beautiful and encouraging! And so the very way that He works... Thank you for sharing this on the Art of Home-Making Mondays.

    1. Thank you, JES! It was a difficult struggle, but (as always) worth it in the end; He is so faithful . . . God bless you, JES!

  9. WOW, this puts things into perspective. Thank you.

    1. Christina, I'm glad that it was encouraging! It was a difficult test for me, but it is so beautiful the way that the Lord always shows Himself gracious, even if I can't see it at first. The Lord bless you!

  10. Lovely and encouraging. The Lord is so good and His grace always amazes and delights me.

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop)!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

    1. Jennifer, thank you for stopping by; your words encouraged me. He is good . . .

      Have a blessed week!

  11. Isn't this true. Every time you have to do something out of your comfort zone it makes for soul growth! I also had to start sharing a car with hubs and that meant part of the week I am without! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

    1. Yes, Sherry! It is always when I surrender that I grow! Thank you for stopping by and for hosting the link-up! Blessings to you!

  12. Such a precious word, Rebekah - it's a beautiful thing to encourage Christ-followers to surrender. I love the way you share that your delight in your car shifted to delight in your Savior once surrender finally took place. And how good God is to give sweet gifts to His yielded children!

    Thank you for linking up with us at Grace & Truth! This will be my feature at A Divine Encounter this week. I know it will bless my readers as it has me.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! The Lord really used this in my life to (again) gently teach me the blessedness of yielding to Him. I was holding on to that car, and the Lord wanted me to let it go and to trust Him. You are so right--the delight was transferred and freedom came.

      Thank you for featuring this post; I pray that the Lord will use it to bless others . . .

      Have a wonderful week. :-)

  13. Hi Rebekah,

    These are beautifully written words of encouragement. I am so grateful that this was shared at TGI Saturdays. You are very right, God does give us roses in the desert. He shows us that, when we think we won't make it through, there is always something beautiful, in which we can find joy in the midst. Blessings to you today.

    1. Yes, Latisha; He is so gracious! I am so thankful for the beauty that He alone can create in my barren places. God bless you, Latisha; have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Beautiful post Rebekah of just how miraculous the Lord can work in the midst of our difficult situations! Streams can run in the desert! I know the Lord has a perfect plan for your situation, and that what He replaces the worn out car with will be so much better that what you had in mind. He just works that way! May the Lord continue to bless you in your surrender! I have added your blog to my feedly reader so that I can continue to get your posts. Come visit me at my blog if you get a chance. Hugs to you today!

    1. Oh, thank you for that encouragement! I needed to hear that tonight! the Lord bless you and I will be by for a visit! :-)
