Monday, July 6, 2015

Love that Wins

“Now, Mr. Great-heart was a strong man, so he was not afraid of a lion.” 
- John Bunyan

It was the first time this week that I've really felt peace. 

Oh, I know the promises. And I know that our God is in control. I know that He allows and orders all things; that nothing happens apart from His plan.

I knew all of these things.

And yet, fear gripped me. Worry threatened me. A lump of dismay lay cold and clammy in my heart, and I felt afraid. 

Afraid when I read about the SCOTUS decision in my "Trending"sidebar. 

Afraid when I saw all of the "rejoicing," when rainbow flags kept popping up, overshadowing the faces of so, so many, it seemed.

Afraid when even so-called Christians appeared to be joining the bandwagon, when other believers said nothing, appeared oblivious to the whole thing, or just wanted to ignore it. 

I felt afraid. 

Felt afraid when they called it "hate," when they labeled me a "bigot" because I cannot, in good conscience, approve a lifestyle choice that directly flies in the face of God's Word, of a lifestyle choice that mocks Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, that re-defines" love" as whatever a person wishes it to be. 

I've had friends who are homosexuals. I've loved them. I've felt genuine compassion toward them; I've seen them as fellow sinners--the only difference between us grace and repentance. I remember a boy who was gay in my high school class -- an outcast, who used to enjoy talking with me. I still have it -- the picture that he drew of me with angel wings. He gave it to me. I hope that he found Jesus and freedom. I loved him. 

This message of #lovewins is a deception -- because true love is of God; there is no such thing as love apart from His Word and His rule. Sin brings death and chaos and loss. Sin will never win, for the "soul that sins will die." 

If anything (ironically), the "hatred" that I've seen has come from homosexuals and their supporters... frankly, I've never seen a group exercise so much intimidation and hateful speech towards those who morally oppose them. But then, we are never consistent when far from God, only consistent in our sin and in justifying our lifestyle. May God have mercy. May God forgive them, for they know not what they do. 

So I have felt afraid. Afraid of the "floods of ungodliness." Afraid of the ambivalence. Afraid of the silence, afraid for my children, afraid of what they may have to face in the future, afraid for myself and for other believers.

Fear. But then, peace. 

I was walking with my little ones, down the old familiar road that we always walk on. 

I looked above us, beyond to the telephone wire near a marsh that houses many different birds. And I saw a dove, a robin, and a cardinal. Just sitting calmly, unafraid. 

Creation itself spoke to me of Him, of His constancy, of His power, of His love. Spoke to me in the midst of my fear  and assured me of His presence. He was there with me. He is here with me. His heart holds my children; our times are in His hands. 

Later, we stood near the ocean where the wind whipped our hair, and I spread out my arms toward the sky . . . It is my Father's world. Nothing can happen to me, to my husband, to our children, to my loved ones apart from His will. All the hairs on our heads are numbered. 

And the battle is already won. 

So I take heart.

And I speak His truth, because truth cannot stay hidden inside. 

And I love my neighbor as myself, gay, straight, old, young, rich, or poor--

And if I love my neighbor as myself than I will not look over his sin -- because love that wins is a love that cares about whether my neighbor will spend eternity with Jesus or eternity apart from Him. The question is not whether I love my neighbor so much as it is do I love my neighbor enough to tell him the truth and to lead him to Jesus?

Because love is not a warm fuzzy feeling, as C. S. Lewis says,

Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.

Love is caring enough about another person for whom Christ died, that we don't want their sin (no matter what kind of sin it is) to cause them to be eternally separated from God. And this is the same love that Jesus had for us. 

I will speak because I do not need to be afraid of those who can only kill the body but cannot kill the soul. 

I will speak love in the midst of hatred towards the Lord Jesus, hatred towards His Word, hatred towards His will and His rule. 

I will speak love.

Because I am not afraid.

There is not fear in love because perfect love casts out fear (I John 4:18)... We love because He first loved us. (I John 4:19)

And loving, stand unafraid in Him. 

You might find me on these link-ups:

Strangers and Pilgrims on EarthInspire Me MondayThe Modest MomWhat Joy is Mine, SDG Gathering, A Mama's Story, Mom's the Word, Rich Faith Rising, Time Warp Wife, Cornerstone Confessions, Mom's Morning Coffee, Motivate and Rejuvenate MondaysSo Much at Home, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every SeasonA Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries, Whole-Hearted Home, Testimony TuesdayTell His StoryA Soft Gentle Voice, My Daily Walk in His Grace, Women With Intention WednesdaysMessy Marriage, The Charm of Home, Graced Simplicity, Theology ThursdaysChildren Are A Blessing, Mittenstate Sheep and Wool, Imparting Grace, Preparedness Mama, A Look at the Book, Essential Thing Devotions, Thought Provoking ThursdayEvery Day JesusCount My Blessings, Christian Mommy Blogger, Renewed Daily, Soul SurvivalGood Morning MondaysThe Weekend BrewBlessing Counters Link PartyThe HomeAcre HopMommy Moments Link UpGrace and Truth LinkupFaith Filled FridaySaturday Soiree Blog PartyTell It To Me TuesdaysSHINE Blog Hop, Faith and  Fellowship Blog HopMotivate and Rejuvenate Monday Link-UpA Little R&R WednesdaysTGI Saturdays Blog HopTotally Terrific TuesdayRaRaLinkup


  1. Oh, dear friend! This is a beautiful, grace-filled post that speaks so much truth! I can SO relate to all you said. It is time that we fall to our knees, as God's people, and we repent of our own sins and turn the searchlight inward, begging Him to forgive us and to turn things around. My heart is so heavy over all that is going on, and if we were in Old Testament times, I feel I would be sitting in sackcloth and ashes. Jesus said that when we see the signs of His coming to lift up our heads, for our Redemption draweth nigh. So thankful that this world is not all we have to look forward to!

    1. Yes, Cheryl! Yes and Amen! May God give us grace to repent before Him and to fix our eyes and hearts upon Him in the time that is left.

      The Lord bless you, dear sister; your words brought encouragement and hope.

  2. May we speak love rooted in the truth of God. You are courageous and fearless. Thank you for sharing your heart. I am visiting you from Holly's site today.

    1. You're welcome, Kelly! May God strengthen us in these difficult times, as only He is able to do.

      Blessings to you, Kelly!

  3. Rebekah, thanks so much for sharing and for linking up at Mondays @ Soul Survival. I pinned on my Mondays board, too! Blessings!

    1. You're welcome, Donna! Thank you for sharing it! Blessings to you, also! :-)

  4. Bekki, I always appreciate the humility in your writing, even in difficult posts like the one written here today. Yet in your humility, there is an unwavering strength and conviction as you defend the Lord and His Word.

    I especially appreciated how like the Psalms, you closed with our Hope that no matter what is going on in the world, the Lord is our Strong Tower, that we can run to.

    Thank you for sharing your heart.

    1. You're welcome, Karen! I was so devastated when I first heard about this, but the Lord has been bringing His peace and His assurance to my heart that He is in control and that we must stand upon his Word and not be afraid. He is truly, like you said, our Strong Tower.

      I love you, Karen; the Lord bless you and protect you.

  5. I am a Christian who believes in God, but also one who believes in human rights. It is possible to be Christian and be in favor of the Supreme Court's recent ruling. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to go into detail about how I came to have this view, but I will say this: we cannot look at Scripture without taking into account history, faith, cultural context, experience, and personal relationship.

    1. Dear Laura, your response saddens me . . . "For the Word of God is living and active . . ."(Hebrews 4:12). What you speak of is a dead Word, a Word that is not relevant to our culture, to our time, to our faith, to our experiences, to our personal relationships. When we change the Word of God to fit our personal preferences, when we deny parts of the Word that we find unpalateable or uncomfortable, we are denying Jesus Himself, who IS the Word. Jesus does not change . . . "I am the Lord; I change not" (Malachi 3:6). A "changeable" God would not be the God of the Bible; He would merely be a "god" of our own imagination and whim.

      Our God transcends culture, experience, and personal relationships. The Scriptures that address homosexuality (in both the Old and New Testaments) are very cut and dry--I Corinthians 6:9-10: "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God." This is just one example, but we see clearly that cultural context cannot apply here--Paul is speaking to Gentiles, who were immersed in cultures that accepted and embraced homosexuality; the church is to come out and be separate from this kind of lifestyle (even in a culture that accepted it).

      There is so much here, but you cannot deny these truths without denying the Word of God, and the Christ of the Word. Your reasoning is deeply flawed, because if homosexuality is permissible because of our culture or for any other reason, then what about any other "so-called" sin? What about child pornography, lying, stealing, gambling, alcoholism--why aren't these sins "cultural" as well--and therefore, acceptable?

      We must, as believers, stand on the infallible, unchangeable, unshakeable Word of God, or we will fall into deep error and deception.

      I dare not condone homosexuality, because I fear the One who forbids it. As a Christian, I can completely disagree with someone;s behavior, and still love that individual, just as the Lord loved me before I became saved--but He didn't approve my behavior, and the wrath of God rested upon me until I put my trust in Him and turned from my sins. That is Biblical Christianity. That is the Truth that I embrace, and stand upon, in these times, in this culture, for the sake of His Name. These words come to mind:

      O Word of God incarnate,
      O Wisdom from on high,
      O Truth, unchanged, unchanging,
      O Light of our dark sky!
      We praise Thee for the radiance
      That from the hallow'd page,
      A lantern to our footsteps,
      Shines on from age to age.

      --William How

      May the Lord open our hearts to His truth, Laura, and give us eyes to see and ears to hear.

    2. The Bible mentions same sex relations maybe a total of 6 times, which I think only about 3 of them are in the New Testament. The word "homosexual" wasn't a word until the 1800s, well after the Bible was written. We can't be sure that the greek word was translated correctly. Our differing opinions on this issue probably come down to this: I do not believe that homosexuality is a choice, you do. Because of this difference, we will never see eye to eye (which is OK). I cannot recall the day that I chose to be attracted to men...that is just how I was born. The same goes for those who are attracted to the same sex. Nobody would choose to be something that sets them up for a lifetime of judgment by others on purpose. I love these people, accept them, and think that it's wonderful that they all have the opportunity to experience marriage.

    3. Dear Laura,

      Let me just address a couple of things and then I understand that we'll have to "agree to disagree." We both do agree on one thing. That we both love homosexuals. You approve their behavior and feel that they have no other choice. I believe that the Bible is clear in condemning their behavior and offering them a choice to choose to turn away from it and to find forgiveness and refreshing in the love and power of Jesus. You would have them die in their sins. I would have them live. Is not real love desiring life and not death for our precious neighbor for whom Christ died?

      Even if the Word of God was to mention same-sex relations only once, would that not be enough? What if lying or adultery was only mentioned once? Does the number of times a sin is mentioned have any bearing on the Lord's approval or disapproval of it?

      For centuries, the orthodox church has upheld the Bible's condemnation of the practice of homosexuality. And this, many times, and in many cultures, went against the grain of the culture (Greek, Roman, Germanic, etc.) This was the practice of the early church and the church for 2000 years following. We both know that the argument that the word "homosexual" wasn't translated correctly is a very weak argument and is usually used by a very liberal branch of "Christianity" which wants to "re-interpret" the Word of God according to present culture and times, a liberal branch of "Christianity" that questions and challenges the Word of God.

      Even if this argument was true (that the word has been translated incorrectly in other passages of Scripture) Romans 1 speaks clearly (and there can be no question here)

      "who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

      For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

      And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting . . . " (Roman 1:25-28).

      The Book of Genesis also establishes God's definition of marriage as between a man and a woman ("Male and female, He created them).

      His Word is so very clear! When we embrace any other practice/interpretation, we are rebelling against His authority, against His direction, against His rule.

      Perhaps you are doing it from the best of motives, Laura, but at the very core, you are ultimately rebelling against the absolute authority of God's Word, and therefore rebelling against the God of the Word Himself.

      Search the Scriptures with an open mind and an open heart, Laura, and ask the Holy Spirit to shed His light. If you can do that with a pure and sincere conscience, and come away still believing that you are still right, then the whole of Biblical Christianity, the shedding of the blood of the martyrs, and the blood of Christ have been wasted. And true Christians are "of all men the most pitiable." But I pray that you won't . . . and that the Lord will open your heart to His truth, Laura. May He give you every grace.

  6. Thank you for sharing your heart with us at Totally Terrific Tuesday Link Party. It can be so hard to stand up for your beliefs at times, and I'm so glad that you have written this so perfectly! We love the sinner, but not the sin. Speaking against sin doesn't mean that we are speaking in hate, but actually out of our love and compassion for others. We are all sinners and need Christ so badly. Thanks for leaving us with the promise of hope in God's love and strength. Blessings to you!

    1. Yes, Christy, that is exactly it! I love the way that you explained it--"Speaking against sin doesn't mean that we are speaking in hate, but actually out of our love and compassion for others. We are all sinners and need Christ so badly." If anything, we are showing real love by speaking the truth in love, not hate!

      Thank you for your encouragement; God bless you, also!

  7. Amen, Rebekah! I love the way you've put this and agree with both what you disagree with and what you want your focus to be ... on the Love of Christ for all. Thanks for being brave enough to share your thoughts and gentle heart with all of us!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, Beth . . . He is truly our Strength and our Help; these are difficult times, but I know that He will give us His peace and His Presence to sustain us.

      I am thankful and the Lord has been showing me that there are many who still are standing on the Word of God . . . may He give us grace to stand.

      Blessings to you :-).

  8. Hi! If you were here, I would hug you! This is such a perfect post for me regarding the SCOTUS ruling. I have been so fearful as I see our rights as believers and citizens being stripped away in favor of increasing government control, and I do believe that it is going to get bad - but I still need to be focusing on Christ and His sovereignty in human affairs. I will be printing this piece for my notebook, and I have linked to your article. Thank you again and again!!!


    1. Diana, God bless you as you stand on His truth!. . . I felt so, so fearful too, at first. It was so hard for me even to "function" without fearing for my children's futures, etc. But then, as you said, He opened my heart to His Sovereignty over this situation and there was such peace . . . joining with you, dear sister in the Lord in fervent prayer for believers as we face these uncertain times and know His grace in and through them.

  9. I think you hit all the right arguments. We cannot condone sin for fear the sinner will spend an eternity in hell. But we can still love them and pray for them. I know I love and prayer will be honored by Him. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. You're welcome, Mary . . . I am glad that you visited. You are exactly right--it wouldn't be love not to speak the truth to those who are perishing in their sins. May God give us His grace to speak and fill us with His love!

  10. I think that love you showed to your friend in high school was very important and God will use it, even if you never see the end result. We can trust Him to work in all situations.

    1. Yes; that is true, MB! We will never know until eternity the ways that the Lord worked through different situations. I pray that this man will come to know the Lord Jesus and experience true freedom in Christ.

      God bless you!

  11. This is perfect. Thank you! Yes, Love cannot be separated from His truth. But the fear fades when we remember that the battle has already been won. Thanks for this encouraging, and beautifully written reminder.

    1. You're welcome, Karen! May God give us grace to speak His truth and not to be afraid!

      The Lord bless you!

  12. Oh Rebekah this is so wonderful and brave and I applaud you. I run a ministry that started in relationships but recently I have strayed more to general devotions and teaching and yet I feel my initial pull back to Gods origianl call but I was afraid. I was afraid because I knew I would have to tackle this subject and I didn't want to be unpopular but like you I believe, that God does not change, he does not get with the program and what his word said then, says the same now.
    I am passionate about not watering down his word to avoid upset but I have been afraid to put that passion into words. I am taking a summer break to seek God, to refocus and get brave and your post was just the first step encouragement I needed. #
    I love your heart :)

    1. Tania, your words were such an encouragement to me!! My prayers are with you for direction for your ministry and for courage and wisdom to speak the Truth in the love of Christ. I am happy to know a sweet sister in the Lord who loves Him--may He bless you and may you bring glory to Him!

  13. I've shared your deep feelings of concern, especially wondering what kind of world my grandchildren will be growing up in. Your conclusion, reaching a place of confident trust in His care for us, His children, is key to living in peace in these times. So glad to be here from Weekend Brew.

    1. Elizabeth, I'm glad that you visited! May He give us the grace to trust in Him and hold onto His Truth with all of our hearts! God bless you!

  14. Thank you for your words spoken in truth and love. Standing up and writing these words today took courage and faith. I am glad for the extension of grace spoken here as well as love for all. Blessed you shared this at The Weekend Brew.

    1. Mary, I am so glad that it was a blessing! It was a difficult post to write. My heart has been so heavy, but the Lord is our Safety and Hope. He is our Peace in these times.

      May He bless you, Mary!

  15. What a wonderful post Rebekah, thank you so much for sharing it with us at Good Morning Mondays. You have really written this well and with love and grace . My husband always says we hate the sin and not the person and with love comes correction. I sometimes wonder what our children and grandchildren will have to face but you are so right God is in control. Blessings

    1. Thank you for those words, Terri! Over the past few days, the Lord has been showing me that He preserves His remnant. There are those who still hold to Biblical truth and I am so grateful for brothers and sisters in the Lord who are willing to stand on His Word. The Lord bless, you, dear Terri!

  16. Rebekah thank you for writing this post and sharing at The Weekend Brew. I too can be gripped with fear, wondering what this world is coming to, and what my children's children will have to face. But ultimately I know that God is in control and His is victorious over sin. Blessings!

    1. You're welcome, Barbie! It has been a blessing to me to know that there are others who are praying and standing firm on His Word . . . that has brought me comfort. Your words blessed me. He truly is victorious.

      God bless you also, Barbie!

  17. Thank you for speaking the truth so graciously, Rebekah! Like many Believers, I was so grieved by the Supreme Court's decision. But in the past several weeks the Lord has helped me long even more for the New Earth and Heaven He is preparing for us (see Isaiah 65:17-25 for a beautiful promise of what our God has in store). It doesn't excuse us from speaking God's truth and mercy while on this Old Earth but what hope we have that no man can take from us!

    "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us," ~ Hebrews 12:1

    1. Yes; Amen, Kenzi! I know what you mean when you speak of longing for the new Heaven and Earth . . . I feel like the Lord has used this in my heart to make me realize more keenly that this world is not my home, that I need to hold on less to the things that are passing away . . . and more to Him.

      But you are right; we still need to speak His Truth to a world that is perishing . . . and whether they will hear the Truth or not, may we not be guilty of remaining silent. He will give us grace!

      I am so glad to have met you; I am grateful to know a sister in the Lord who loves Him and will be identified with Him. May He bless you, Kenzi! :-)

  18. Thank you so much for this beautiful post, Rebekah. I'm so happy to see your position on scripture, and your love for others while you stand for truth. <3
    Thanks for linking up with Grace & Truth this week! :)

    1. You're welcome! I'm so encouraged by other believers who are standing on the truth of Scripture, too! May God bless you richly!

  19. This is so, so good. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome; thanks for stopping by! God bless you!

  20. Thank you for speaking the truth in love. As His beloved, we are called to love the sinner and to hate the sin. Those who are deluded by the father of lies are often unable to hear the message and interpret it as hate for them. Thankfully, Jesus remains at their hearts' door sweetly waiting to show them the Fathers' plan of redemption. We must do our part and trust the Holy Spirit to convict and lead them in all truth.

    1. Yes; that is so true! Our message (His message) that is perceived by the world as "hate" is really one of supreme love--repent, turn from you sins, so that times of refreshing may come . . . Have a blessed day!
