Sunday, August 16, 2015


For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;
And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.
But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;
For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing,
And her people a joy.
I will rejoice in Jerusalem,
And joy in My people;
The voice of weeping shall no longer be heard in her,
Nor the voice of crying.

Isaiah 65:17-19 NKJV

The water was almost warm, delightful on our feet, its spray grasping the edges of our rolled up pants. 

We laughed and we watched a great kite soar over the expanse and the seagulls swooping low in the soft blanket of sky above, and the waves licking the salty sand, reaching and then drawing back. 

And then we sat on the ocean's sand and ate doughboys and licked sugar and sand from our fingers and delighted in the swiftly dipping sun casting golden shadows over the melting day, the delicious air cooling us off and playing with the ends of our humid-sticky hair. 

There, all of a sudden, a thought came. I had completely forgotten about a project that I had been working on. A project that was taking time and energy and that I was fretting over at times. I had completely forgotten about it in these delightful moments soaking in the beauty of the Lord's creation and majesty. 

I had forgotten.

Another day, and I was sitting on the porch swing, taking a short break from the heat with my 1-year-old on my lap while my 2-year-old daughter and my mom threw crumbs of bread to the sparrows sweetly hopping around on the grass. 

A little group of sparrows drew my eye. There they sat, a happy gathering in the golden afternoon sunlight, basking in the provision and protection of our yard, chirping and enjoying the beauty and peace of the late afternoon day. 

Thinking of nothing but their present contentment and safety. Forgetful of fear.

These isolated incidents, these cherished moments reminded me of a truth in the Scriptures and brought me comfort and joy. 

The truth of forgetfulness. 

Of the day that the Lord will wipe away every tear from our eyes, when we will behold Him in beauty and majesty and light . . . 

When we will no longer be able to remember the things that brought us sorrow and pain and suffering. 

When we will be like Him, gazing upon Him, worshiping Him, delighting utterly in Him.

Death will be swallowed up in victory. 

The former things will be remembered no more . . . no longer will they come upon the heart.  (Isaiah 65:17)

Free to worship. Free to praise. Free to know Him completely and without the distraction of sin and its effects. 


And forgetful. 

Of hurts and tears and sighs and losses and sorrows and tears. 

Remembering His mercy, and delighting in His love for all eternity. 

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  1. This kind of forgetfulness is a gift, isn't it? I think that you have stumbled upon a little foretaste of heaven here on earth whenever it happens. Imagine the joy of always being in the moment!

    1. Yes; truly it is! The joy of always being in that moment . . . that is such a beautiful, glorious thought, Michele!

      The Lord bless you!

  2. Bekki, I LOVED how you tied together those things in life that help us to forget our struggles in the moment with how the Lord will cause us to forget all our sorrowing and wipe away every tear. Such beautiful analogies.

    This post lifted my spirits today and gave me much encouragement! :-)

    Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Karen! I'm so glad that it was encouraging! The Lord bless you, dear friend.

  3. What a day, glorious day that will be! I think just one glimpse of Jesus' face will somehow erase the pains of this life. This was such a precious post! Thank you ever so much for sharing, Rebekah! God bless you, sweet friend. :)

    1. Yes; such a glorious day! God bless you also, Cheryl!

  4. What joy that will be to completely free and forgetful with Jesus forever. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words of hope. They blessed me this morning.

    1. Yes; truly! What a great joy!

      The Lord bless you. Karen!

  5. This is beautiful, uplifting, inspiring, and makes me long even more for that day when we shall see Him face to face and be as He is! Linked up with you at Hope in Every Season -- hope you'll stop by Saved by Grace for a visit!
    God bless,

    1. Thank you, Laurie; I long for that day, too!

      Stopping by now! The Lord bless you! :-)

  6. So often we think of forgetfulness as a negative, but how lovely our forgetfulness in the presence of the Lord can be - when He causes us to forget all the stuff of this earth and remember His glory.

    1. Yes; that is so true, Kathryn . . . thank you for sharing that thought--forgetfulness of pain, sorrow, longing--and the joy of His Presence and rest. The Lord bless you!

  7. Thanks for turning forgetfulness on its head! These words are SO refreshing. : ) Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Bethany; blessings to you, also! :-)

  8. These earthly moments you describe glimpses of the bliss that awaits us... Enjoyed reading these wonderful thoughts, Rebekah!

    1. Yes; that is such a wonderful word to describe it--bliss . . . what a blessed day it will be!

      May the Lord bless you, Heather!

  9. There are so many needs around me right now that I realize I need to take some moments to get so wrapped up in who He is, to forget about the seemingly insurmountable so that I might remember the one who surmounts all.

    1. Very true, Jen . . . that sweet knowledge and sense of His Presence brings such peace and strength and makes the difficulties fade when we rest in Him.

      Have a blessed weekend. :-)

  10. Love this, Rebekah. It breathed life into all the right spaces today. Thank you! :)

  11. How precious this type of forgetfulness will be. So grateful to have read this as it brings such hope into some hard places in my life. Blessings!

    1. Yes, Joanne . . . truly, so precious! Your words blessed me. Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Your writing and photos are beautiful. What a wonderful day we have to look forward to - forgetting pain and sorrow. Thank you.
