Saturday, February 3, 2018

A Valentine's Giveaway!

Ok, all you lovebirds out there . . . it's that time of year again and I couldn't resist . . . it's time for . . .  

A Valentine's Giveaway! 💗

Valentine's Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. I think that this is because of the memories that it holds for me. My Mom made Valentine's Day so special for me and my sisters when we were growing up. We would always make a homemade heart-shaped pizza and have a fizzy pink soda-drink that we usually didn't have. She decorated the table with special Valentine's Day things and prepared everything with such detail and love. She and my Dad always gave us a Russell Stover heart-shaped box of candy wrapped in that delightful red cellophane. My favorite chocolate was the caramel filled one. It meant so much to me as a little girl and it still holds such a strong remembrance in my heart. And thankfully, my husband now buys me the Russell Stover heart; it was part of our marriage agreement . . . haha; just joking. 😉

Anyway, I wanted to put together a giveaway for this special time of year. I pray that it brightens someone's day and brings joy to each one of you in some way. 

And may we always cherish and hold dear the greatest Love of our hearts . . . our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who first loved us . . . 💗

What this giveaway includes:

  • The DVD Old Fashioned (Read my review HERE)
  • Lindt truffles~~Because I strongly believe in nutritional STAPLES  and am a great advocate for healthy foods 😉
  • Exquisitely lovely Lauren Conrad earrings to wear for a special date or while watching Old Fashioned . . . ;-) Wonderful for promoting the ideal of a "rose-leaf complexion."-haha! 

I hope that this giveaway is enjoyable and fun! Please enter below using the Rafflecopter form. And Happy Valentine's Day to each one of you! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This giveaway is only open to residents of the continental United States for shipping reasons.

You might find me on these link-ups:

Inspire Me MondayLiteracy Musing MondaysThe Modest MomRaising Homemakers, Classical HomemakingA Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries,  Testimony TuesdayTell His Story, Messy Marriage,  Imparting Grace, Thought Provoking ThursdaySoul SurvivalGood Morning MondaysThe Weekend BrewCounting My BlessingsThe HomeAcre Hop, Mommy Moments Link UpGrace and Truth LinkupFaith Filled FridaySHINE Blog HopRaRaLinkupWord of God SpeakBooknificent ThursdayLiving Proverbs 31Coffee For Your Heart Weekly LinkUpYou're the Star Blog HopHomesteader HopFresh Market FridayHeart Encouragement Thursday Sitting Among Friends Blog PartyFabulous Warm Heart PartyOh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday LinkupWriter Wednesday


  1. You had such a great Valentine's day -what a great way your Mom showed her love for you!

  2. Vera Wilson said

    Cute earrings. Thanks for the chance.

    snoopysnop1 yahoo dot com

  3. I really enjoy reading your blogs, Bekki, and the giveaways are always fun, too. :)

  4. Thanks for the giveaway, Bekki! Hahaha! "Part of our marriage agreement"!

  5. This is such a lovely giveaway. Thank you for offering it!

  6. Thank you so much for offering this sweet giveaway. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.


  7. Oh my! What a fun and feminine Valentine's Day giveaway! 😍

  8. Very excited about this giveaway! :) Thank you for offering it!

  9. Thank you for this sweet giveaway!My dad always gave us girls Valentine candy heart boxes too. Such a sweet memory.

  10. So lovely! I won a giveaway of yours recently so I won't enter this one! I haven't seen that movie but hope to soon! :)

  11. thanks for the great giveaway, i really love those earrings especially

  12. Thank you for this nice giveaway.

  13. Thanks for hosting this lovely giveaway. I liked the memories you shared too. My children would appreciate their very own box of chocolates. You've inspired me!

  14. What a wonderful memory, Rebekah! I'm so glad that you shared that with us and are sharing a giveaway too! I'll be pinning for sure!

  15. Thank you for this lovely giveaway! I am excited to enter. : )

  16. It was fun visiting your site today. What a sweet giveaway. I don't qualify for the it, but I enjoyed reading about your Valentine's Day memories. Hope you have a lovely Valentine's.

  17. Thank you for your enthusiasm and thank you for this opportunity. My mom never really bothered with Valentine's Day other than getting my sister and myself valentines cards to hand out to our classmates. I guess it is the reason I never made a fuss about it myself. I'm not dating amyome and me daughters are my heart. I believe like you that Jesus Christ is my ultimate love because he died because of his love for me.

  18. Lol yes, nutrition is very important, particularly the kind that comes in brightly colored wrappers!!

  19. What a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day! Enjoy & hope you get that box of chocolates again this year!
