Monday, April 23, 2018

A Holy Passion Book Release~~A Novel of Missionary David Brainerd and Jerusha Edwards

A Holy Passion is here! :-) For years, my sister talked about writing and researching a novel based on the lives of the missionary David Brainerd and of his relationship with Jonathan Edward's daughter, Jerusha. She began work on it a few years ago and it culminated on the 300th birthday of Brainerd--Truly, this precious, beautiful novel is the result of years of careful research and preparation. My sister, author Alicia G. Ruggieri  has put her heart and soul into this work and the result has been this beautiful re-telling of the stories of missionary David Brainerd and of famed theologian Jonathan Edward's daughter, Jerusha--from David's time at Yale, to his missionary endeavors, to the years of his declining health, and finally of his death in the Edward's home and of the love that he and Jerusha shared both for one another and for their Lord. 

Alicia's research is exquisite; I love her careful attention to the details of that particular time period, from how a colonial home was run to the manner of speech and dress and the customs of those days. Her focus on every little detail is apparent, and it just makes the book historically delightful. 

Her artistry in capturing the romantic relationship between David and Jerusha is both revitalizing and heart rending. This book weaves such a tale of bittersweet love that it leaves the reader inwardly hushed and affected. 

There were several times in reading her novel that I just sat with the book before me and knew the Holy Spirit whispering some deep lesson of surrender to my heart through the example of David Brainerd. Alicia's depiction of his character and devotion to the Lord Jesus in every area of his life challenged me and comforted me at the same time. I realized afresh that the God of David Brainerd is the same God of this time and that great and mighty things can be done through His people when they are fully surrendered to Him in mind, body, and heart. 

I loved her depiction of the character and historical figure of Jerusha, Jonathan Edward's daughter. Her strong, sweet character that yearns after the Savior challenged me; her inward struggles proved that she was human, and yet finally rested in the Lord with her life and with the life of the man she loved. 

The portrayal of missionary David Brainerd and his utter devotion toward our Savior riveted me. His life is a challenge to every one of us as believers in asking the question that Alicia asks on the back cover of her book, "What would you give up for Christ?" David gave everything. 

This book is one that every believer seeking a deeper, richer relationship with Jesus Christ would benefit from; it challenged me and encouraged me in my devotion to the Lord while at the same time engaged me with its intricate suspenseful story-line and of the romance between David and Jerusha that is woven into the book's rich tapestry. 

A Holy Passion is available on Amazon on Kindle as well as in paperback. The links are provided below after the description of Alicia's novel to her website and where you may find Alicia on social media to learn more about her and her work. 

Description from the back of the book:

“My heart begins its slow crescendo at the news. Mr. Brainerd – my Mr. Brainerd – has come at last.”

After a few scant years of solitary missionary work among the American Indians on the colonial frontier, David Brainerd has been forced off the field once more by his terminal illness. A man who has sacrificed every earthly comfort for the sake of Christ, he takes refuge in the home of Reverend Jonathan Edwards, eminent Great Awakening theologian and pastor… and the father of a young woman named Jerusha. 
Unbeknownst to David, Jerusha Edwards has nurtured an affection for him since she met him long ago. Their renewed acquaintanceship challenges Jerusha to understand the meaning of selfless, Calvary love. Yet does such love demand too great a sacrifice for her to make?

Told with an emphasis on the known facts of Jerusha and David’s relationship as well as his missionary undertakings, this novel carefully embellishes the historical record, weaving a bittersweet tale of romantic, holy devotion.

Find Alicia:

Alicia G. Ruggieri writes grace-filled, Christ-centered fiction from her home in rural Wisconsin. She loves ancient graveyards, old libraries, and excellent cannolis ~ not necessarily in that order.

You might find me on these link-ups:

Inspire Me MondayLiteracy Musing MondaysThe Modest MomRaising Homemakers, Classical HomemakingA Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Ministries,  Testimony TuesdayTell His Story, Messy Marriage,  Imparting Grace, Thought Provoking ThursdaySoul SurvivalGood Morning MondaysThe Weekend BrewCounting My BlessingsThe HomeAcre Hop, Mommy Moments Link UpGrace and Truth LinkupFaith Filled FridaySHINE Blog HopRaRaLinkupWord of God SpeakBooknificent ThursdayLiving Proverbs 31Coffee For Your Heart Weekly LinkUpYou're the Star Blog HopHomesteader HopFresh Market FridayHeart Encouragement Thursday Sitting Among Friends Blog PartyFabulous Warm Heart PartyOh My Heartsie Girls Wonderful Wednesday LinkupWriter WednesdayTea and Word


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Bekki, and for the way you have continually encouraged me to press on with the writing of this book. :-)

    1. It is just a blessing for me to be a part of it in a small way . . . I'm so grateful for how the Lord is using your writing--you honor Him and He shines through your writing; I love you--

  2. This book sounds wonderful! I can't wait to read it!

    1. Yes; it is a wonderful book! Have a blessed week, Brenda!

  3. This sounds like a beautiful story, Rebekah. I know almost nothing about either of these people from history. thank you for sharing this review and how this book impacted you personally.

    PS—I'm your neighbor at the #RaRaLinkup today. :)

  4. This sounds like a great read! I am pinning this and adding it to my amazon wish list!

  5. This sounds like one to add to this list! Thanks, Rebekah!

  6. How wonderful that sisters can share in each other's successes. The book sounds wonderful and I'm going to jump over to Amazon now.

  7. I've heard snatches of this story before, but only in connection with Jonathan and his wife. This sounds like such a great book for so many reasons.

  8. This book sounds like a good read. I love it when historical fiction inspires us in our daily life. Your sister sounds like a talented writer.

  9. Hi, thanks for sharing on the #LMMLinkup. I love reading about inspiring people who give their lives to God and the cause of the Gospel.

  10. Sounds like a lovely book!
